Senior Video & Audio Producer
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Stories From the Field

Video / Audio / Photo

Stories From the Field: Video Series with AT&T Business

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The Partnership

In late 2019, The Washington Post established a first-of-its-kind partnership with AT&T Business to illustrate how AT&T's 5G network and technology can power the groundbreaking journalism of The Washington Post, further enable award-winning storytelling, and support a free press.

To amplify the many ways in which the newsroom leveraged AT&T technology, The Washington Post Creative Group produced a series of video-led features that either highlighted a specific newsroom application or extrapolated these use cases out for small business owners.

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The Washington Post Creative Group had to work collaboratively with the newsroom to identify particular use cases where 5G connectivity or AT&T services had help expand, amplify, or streamline their reporting processes. As the lead producer on this project, this meant navigating complex and sometimes conflicting requests from the client side and newsroom about what we could cover and how. Video was consistently the format of choice for AT&T, even if the use case did not have strong visuals nor a clear positive arc. This meant thinking strategically and creatively; gathering as much behind-the-scenes footage as possible with nimble crews, proactively providing shot lists and visual ideas so that the newsroom could self-film if desired, and re-enacting scenes with actors where needed. Throughout the process, we had to prioritize the reporters’ independence above all else.

The program is still ongoing, and promises to be a really rich and original series, which each execution tailored to push the envelope of video storytelling.

See the full story on immersive video here

See how one SMB built a better connection here

See the full story on live video broadcasting here

See the fully story on how the newsroom 3D Commute project came to life here

My specific responsibilities throughout the partnership included:

  • Creative Development: Conceptualized and tailored the visual approach of each release based on the specific production parameters, wrote and developed video treatments, established story beats and narrative arc, and directed the over-arching program aesthetic and tone

  • Crew Contracting & Briefing: Hired all production partners, established scopes of work and contracts, briefed vendors and provided daily feedback/direction, and served as central point-of-contact for any logistical and/or creative decisions

  • Location Review and Direction: Reviewed and recommended locations or logistics based on client guidelines and communication needs

  • “On-Set” Production Direction: Oversaw all filming, giving real-time feedback to host and managing client expectations

  • Paper Editing: Constructed detailed paper edits of all video elements

  • Cut Direction: Provided feedback and direction on each step of the edit process, including factoring in dual feedback streams from newsroom and client

  • Client Presentation: Served as the client-facing production representative on all calls, walked the client through deliverables as needed, responded to feedback, and pitched/explained any unique production approaches or elements being introduced

The results

Across the program, we saw our audience engage deeply with the stories, take action on social and report that they were positively persuaded by the narratives. Our mid-campaign content impact study shows that the content provided a lift in consideration, lift in perception of AT&T as a 5G leader, and lift in overall recall for the brand.